e-Twinning Projelerimiz

e-Twinning Projelerimiz

Okulumuzda her sene değişik ülkelerdeki kültürleri tanımak ve öğrencilerimizin yabancı dil gelişimini desteklemek için birkaç  E-Twinning projesi yürütmeye çalışıyoruz. Bu seneki projelerimiz hakkında bilgileri aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.

29.12.2022 541


2022-2023 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında okulumuz 15 farklı ülkeden katılımcıların olduğu toplam 4 e-twinning proje çalışmalarını yürütüyor.

Search and Research: Wearable Tech

This project aims to create a T-shirt with basic technology, designed to help sportspeople. Moreover, it aims to detect the fundamental vital parameters, using sophisticated sensors, possibly being viewed by an external person via a technological device connected via Bluetooth. Features:

• Heartbeat detection (bpm)

 • Blood saturation detection (SpO2)

• Position detection via GPS

• Skin hydration detection

If any of these vital parameters suffer more or less serious alterations, an alarm will activate. Potential technical components:

• Heart rate sensors

• Sensors for blood saturation

• Sensors for skin hydration

• Ultra mini battery

• Ultra mini GPS

• Arduino board

• Waterproof fabric suitable for all kinds of sports




Traditional toys and games of my region

This project, it's goals and topics are in direct corelation with the curriculum of the school subject Art and connected to cross-curricular topics (Learn how to learn, Civic education, Health, Use of information and communication technology). By the implementation of the project, it is expected that the outcomes of bouth, the Art curriculum and cross-curricular topics that indicate similarities and differences of growing up and creative thinking as well as artistic children expression in certain natural conditions will be achieved. This project is closely related with subjects: Mathematics, Geography, Technical Education and English language. The main goal is to bring the traditional toys and games artwork closer to students, motivating them to research and create, while offering them opportunities to do so through traditional games. Teachers and students will cooperate and exchange experiences, and as a result we would like to create teaching scenarios. During the project, students will develop competences in accordance with the outcomes and goals of the art curriculum for certain ages of the pupils. Regular classes will be enriched with project activities and the students will be additionally motivated. They will acquire new digital skills, meet students from other schools and learn to work together in a virtual environment. The aim of this project is to affect the pupils' awareness through creative work and exploration of traditional games and toys of the region they are from. Except that, the pupils will explore traditional toys and games of the region of partner schools. We would like to improve teaching through collaborative teaching, also we want to improve collaboration with local society and media. Exhibitions of joint student works will be set up in the partner schools and permanently in the public TwinSpace, as an example of good practice attached to the teaching scenarios.




Stop Bullying, Start Connecting

Why is it so hard to accept each other? Is bullying a common problem in all European countries? What should we do to deal with this phenomenon? These are some questions we will try to investigate in an eTwinninng project with our 15 years old students. Students will have the chance to cooperate, talk about real cases and try to find out the different ways that each country uses in its educational system to fight this problem. Gamification, educational tools and creative writing are some of the techniques which will be employed in order to develop our students' imagination, empathy and finally acceptance of diversity. Communication and digital skills will be cultivated, the knowledge of English will get improved while at the same time active and informed citizens will arise through this experience. After all that's the purpose of education, isn't it?






Plants for a Sustainable Life

Students between the ages of 8 and 16 will study the most common and used medicinal and aromatic plants on Earth. Divided into groups, they will deepen their knowledge of the main medicinal and aromatic plants and make e-books, collections, exhibitions and collaborative games.






I am buiding my future I am drawing my own way.

Kuruculuğunu Ankara Atatürk Lisesi ile birlikte gerçekleştirdiğimiz "Geleceğimi inşa ediyorum kendi yolumu çiziyorum" adlı projemizde anket yoluyla gençlerimizin gelecek kaygılarını araştırdık, uzman ve rehber öğretmenlerimizin işbirliği ile online seminer verdik. Pozitif enerji ve güzel umutlarla kendi geleceklerine yön vermelerine, yeni bakış açılarıyla katkıda bulunduk.

Web 2.0 araçları kullanımını ve proje etiğini öğreterek İngilizce Türkçe paylaşımlar sergilemelerine rehberlik ettik.


Local Delicacies

Uluslararası olarak kurduğumuz Local Delicacies "Yöresel Lezzetler" projemizde öğrencilerimize mutfak deneyimi, yöresel yemeklerin tanıtımı, ramazan menüsü hazırlama yanında web2 araçlarını kullanarak İngilizce e- yemek kitabı tasarlamalarını sağladık.

Projede İngilizce ve Türkçe paylaşımlar yapıldı.


 Teaching Values Through Story Telling

 Kuruculuğunu Ankara Atatürk Lisesi ile gerçekleştirdiğimiz "Hikaye Anlatma Yoluyla Değerleri Öğretme"

 Romanya ve Türk ortaklarımızla çalıştığımız Uluslararası bir projedir. Öğrencilerimiz değerler eğitimi ile ilgili sloganlar, infografikler, fikirler ve evrensel mesajlar veren hikayelerini web 2.0 araçları yoluyla sergilediler, webinarlarda anlattılar.

İngilizce ve Almanca hikayler anlatıldı değerler eğitimi ile de disiplinler arası bir yaklaşım gerçekleştirildi.
Projemizin final ürünü İngilizce ve Almanca dillerinde degerler eğitimini işleyen ve güzel mesajlar veren hikayelerden oluşan bir e- kitap sunulacaktır.




Simple Steps in Practising English

English is the world language which is spoken by approximately 378 million native and 743 million foreign speakers. We can easily say that it is the world language. With our partners who teach in different types of schools, we always have difficulties in encouraging our students to speak in English. Therefore, in this project, our pupils are going to have the chance to express themselves freely in target language.




Wise teens on English zone

English is everywhere. It is the language of international communication, it is "lingua franca", it has been accepted as the global language among the speakers of thousands of different languages. In science, technology, business, education, travel, tourism and the other fields, English is the common language. Also "English Language Learning" is very important at schools in nearly all of countries so we want to do a project about "English". 




 Okulumun Çizgi film karakterini çiziyorum

Teknoloji ile birlikte her alana etki eden animasyon sektörü, yetişmiş insan gücüne olan ihtiyacı da artırdı. Günümüzde animasyon; mimari, tıp, savunma, teknoloji, medya, eğlence gibi sektörlerde sıkça kullanılıyor. Bilim ve teknoloji alanında yaşanan ilerlemeler ile animasyon endüstrisi, dünyanın en önemli ekonomilerinin gündemine girmeyi başardı. Bu projeyle her öğrenci ya da öğrenci grubunun kendi okullarının güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini (SWOT ANALİZİ) yansıtacak bir çizgi film karakterini 2D-3D bilgisayar ya da mobil programları kullanarak tasarlamak ve canlandırmayı hedeflemekteyiz.

